Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Ah, the impetuousness of youth...

Ok, so I was looking around on YouTube and found a series of videos put together by CSPAN in which college students were asked what issues would be important to them in the coming elections. So, I've selected a few that I'm going to comment on right quick. 

Look, kid, getting a job has nothing to do with the government. There were numerous videos about how jobs were scarce and college was expensive. Well, that's generally known as LIFE. Yeah, college is expensive, yeah, getting a job is hard sometimes, but that's what you do. It's got nothing to do with politics. If you're lucky, maybe Barack Obama will descend from the clouds in a golden chariot and help you find a job, eh? Is that what we're looking for?

Mmmkay, so, superfluous spending, huh? Started when the Bush administration took control, eh? You don't say...  Apparently, this kid hasn't met any hardcore Democrats. Shall we introduce him to our friends Barack and Hillary? If this man doesn't want to vote for anyone who will engage in superfluous spending, then he won't be voting at all in '08.

Ok, I love this one. "What's important to me about this election is healthcare, because as a college student, it's very hard to get birth control." WHAT?! Sorry, I just sprayed spit all over my computer screen because I was laughing so much. She doesn't say, "Oh, look at all the poor people who can't see a doctor, the government should help them..." No! She wants birth control! The government should pay for her birth control! Your tax dollars: helping college girls avoid unwanted pregnancies since 2008. Other issues she thinks are important: the state of her economy, what jobs will be available for her... uh... that's about it. Gay marriage, abortion and the war are all just opinion, apparently, so why worry about them? It's not like anyone has morals anymore, what a quaint idea...

Well, well, well. Health care is a natural right? Hm. Honestly, I'm not sure what I think about that. Another one of these videos equated freedom with healthcare. Just because we live in freedom doesn't mean that our every need will be catered to. Besides, I'd like to see the government provide healthcare for every single American. That's the premise, right? Universal healthcare? In 2007, Americans spend around 2.3 trillion dollars on healthcare. Sooo... what happens after we blow the national budget on that? We'll be really healthy, but we'll have to fire all of our government employees and raise taxes or something to fund it. Maybe if we start a nationwide fundraising program, we can work something out. Selling popcorn to the Mexicans across the border, perhaps? Setting up a $5 carwash up in Canada? Sounds like a winner. But seriously, universal healthcare just isn't feasible.

Now, of course, these are only a few dumb college kids, but there were a lot of other videos saying basically the same thing. I may seem overly harsh, but frankly, I greatly dislike the people that are in "my generation," because they just don't think. 

"People try to put us down, just because we get around..."


  1. The thing that I find prevelant in all of them is the fact that they all said the one thing that would affect THEM. "I need a job." "I need birth control." Health care should be worked on so that I can have a better life. No body thinks about the country anymore, just their own greedy selves.

  2. After listening to these mentally handicapped children I ran into the kitchen and stabbed myself thrice in my left leg with a knife. Then (finding that this did not work) forked my right eyeball in an attempt to find something more painful than their intellect ravaging opinions. No luck.

    Although I will need the healthcare after that episode.
