Friday, September 5, 2008

I pity the fool who uses Ad Hominem arguments!

All right, here is a message for anyone online who discusses politics. If you employ obscenities and blatantly slander people in the course of your political discussion, I will disregard what you have to say, regardless of how correct or intelligent you are. Discussion on a civilised and intellectual level should be conducted in a manner which reflects that. Saying things like, "Bush is an idiot" will not get you my attention. Apparently, that is an acceptable way to speak about politics, especially for young people, students who are my age. America's youth has become accustomed to the Stewart-Colbert brand of political discussion. While I find Stephen Colbert to be quite hilarious, he is in no way a serious political commentator. What types of programs do they play on Comedy Central? Just take a stab at it. The News Hour with Jim Lehrer? NO! COMEDY! Analysis has become equated with derision and slander, and debate has been made synonymous with crass bickering. The internet is a haven for misuse and oftentimes complete ignorance of rhetorical standards. If you want me to listen to you, speak to me like an adult.

Here's a good example:

I stopped the video within the first few seconds. (If bad language offends you, just don't click the link.) This video is also a good example of someone trying to make a point, but never showing me any proof. This gentleman makes several statements concerning the content of speeches made by Republicans, but never shows me any examples. There are videos like this all over YouTube. I'd really love it if I could pound the concept of "ad hominem" into the brains of internet users. It's a fallacy! It's not a legitimate point!

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