Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Well, I've decided to take up pipe smoking as a sort of casual hobby, I guess you could say. So far, I'm enjoying it. My pipe is a Savinelli briar, and here it is:

(The first two got cut off because of Blogger's margins, click to make it the right size, or just go to Flikr and view them even larger.)

I've been trying out different tobacco blends, and I haven't quite found one that I really, really like, but I've got this one blend right now that I think will probably grow on me. I'm sure I'll be blogging more about this in the future...


  1. Well, if you do it right all your grandchildren will want some of your clothes after you're dead and there will be a feud over who gets the pipe.

  2. That is a beautiful pipe. I want to know how this goes, seriously...
