Saturday, November 15, 2008

Barack Obama is My President

There have been a lot of people saying silly things like, "Well, I might as well move to Canada now that Obama's in power..." Don't be stupid. For one thing, Canada is more liberal than the United States is, you won't fare much better. But on to my real point. Liberals said the same thing when Bush was elected. Remember that? And what did conservatives say? "Oh, don't be such wimps, you're sore losers, that's un-American." Like it or not, Barack Obama is the new leader of YOUR country. You can't say things like, "He's not MY president, I didn't vote for him." That's not the way our country works. Barack Obama is the new representative of the United States to the rest of the world. He will enact policies and pass laws, whether for good or ill. And whether you agree with him or not, he's still your president, and therefore worthy of your respect. As for me, I think that Obama's administration will enable the murder of millions of children. But does that change the fact that Mr. Obama has been placed in a position of authority over me as the leader of my homeland? No, it does not. Let's not resort to childish behaviour, regardless of our views.

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