Thursday, November 13, 2008

"I am a camera, camera..."

I recently purchased a Nikon D60 digital SLR camera, and am so far rather pleased with my purchase.

I've done a lot of research, both before and after my purchase, and I've learned that this is a solid camera, especially for those who are new to DSLR's, like me. One main difference between this camera and Nikon's more expensive models is that a lot of the features are hidden in menu controls, rather than having actual physical controls on the camera body itself. Another thing I've learned is that photography is mainly affected by the skill of the photographer. Even if I had one of Nikon's top models, I'd still be churning out mediocre photos. The D60 is not for anyone who isn't willing to find out how to use the camera properly. The fully automatic modes aren't all that great. You can get all right pictures out of them, but to really harness the capability of the camera and your lens, you should really use the manual modes, which require a little more knowledge about how a camera works. So, if you want a camera for casual purposes, you'd probably do better with an advanced point-and-shoot. And besides, the D60 will cost you around $650, which will get you a great point-and-shoot, one that will probably have more auto-focus capability than the D60. But, for the beginning photographer, like me, it's a really good camera to learn on.

I've also been using Nikon's Capture NX2 RAW processing software, which is really awesome. Since I'm only dealing with RAW, and don't need to make major adjustments, it's a much better option than Photoshop. Plus, it integrates well with iPhoto, making it useful for a Mac user like myself.

Anyhow, enough talk, let's see some pictures. All of these were either taken on campus, or around Georgetown.

(Click to enlarge)

These photos are, of course, much better when they aren't pushed through the meat grinder that is web compression, but hopefully you can get a sense of what I'll be able to do with this camera. I really like it and I think I'll be able to have a lot of fun using it in the future.


  1. Love the reflected light on the window frame! Does SLR stand for something?


  2. Cool! Those are some pretty sweet pictures. What's the red building? And where did you get the stained glass pic?

  3. Thanks! The stained glass is from the chapel here at SU, and the red thing is something that I found here in Georgetown.
