Tuesday, February 10, 2009

"And did those feet, in ancient times, walk upon England's mountains green..."

As much as I love Britain and her culture, the growing difficulties which Christians face there are more than a little disturbing. The Anglican church is headed towards crisis, as far as I know. Islam is given more and more allowances, especially concerning Sharia law and the direct subversion of British law. In Canada, too, it will soon be more or less illegal to criticise the homosexual lifestyle. I remember one story of a Canadian pastor who was accused of hate speech because he was preaching concerning the sinfulness of homosexuality. There is a reason why our brothers and sisters in Rwanda have seen fit to send missionaries our way. The American Mythos tells us that America is still a great beacon of Christianity in the world, but that is not the case. Do you know where the Gospel has seen the most growth? Asia. One of the places in the world where the Gospel is heavily persecuted and even forbidden is the region that has seen the most growth for Christ. I have a feeling that America will soon forsake the Gospel even more than she already has. It is quite possible that my generation will see the beginnings of actual persecution in our country. I'm not talking about prayer being banned at schools or the Ten Commandments being taken out of courthouses. Those are ridiculous little occurrences that really shouldn't surprise anyone. I'm talking about men and women being imprisoned for Christ. This is right outside our door. Let them come, I say. If they want to bring charges against me for "indoctrinating" young Christians and speaking truth in the classroom, then so be it. If it takes persecution to bring about genuine revival in the United States, then I welcome it with open arms. They covet the kingdom, but the kingdom is Christ's already. They hunger for blood, but Christ's blood has already sealed their doom and our victory. The Lord has raised a standard up. Let us follow it quickly.


  1. AMEN!!! Raise our banner high and let it be known, I'M A CHRISTIAN!!!

  2. Do you read the Credenda Agenda publication?

  3. What will they say when we refuse to bend our knee and burn our incense at the altar of pop culture and postmodernity? I encourage them to come at us with their torches and pitchforks because in reality, we've seen it all before. I relish the day and await its coming.
