Tuesday, February 24, 2009

"An island in the sun..."

LOST has been one of my favourite television programs for the past few years, and I've recently decided to try and catch up with the story line. I've gotten a little behind, given my lack of a television and all. So, the show has taken a decidedly science-fictiony turn. I was a bit skeptical when people began labelling the series as "science fiction." Yeah, it had some supernatural/unexplained elements, but it's mainly about survival and getting off the Island, right? Apparently not, since in the current season, everyone is trying to get BACK to the Island. I was prepared for the show to go down a completely ridiculous and implausible road, especially when the concept of time travel was introduced. But I'm quite pleased to find that this is one of the better applications of time travel that I've seen. It doesn't involve alternate realities or time streams or anything ridiculous like that. They've taken what could've been a really bad plot twist and kept it under control. The writing team behind this show has always kept a pretty long range view with regards to their plots. With Alias, they kind of messed things up a bit, but I think they've done a great job with LOST so far. I was beginning to have doubts about whether or not the story would remain cohesive, but for the time being, my faith has been restored, so to speak. Now, about Cloverfield...

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