Friday, April 3, 2009

"Give to me the life I love, let the lave go by me..."

And so it begins. I've officially registered for the Fall semester. I'll be taking three history courses, a decision which I pray does not bring about my premature death. It's an interesting mix. There's Roman Civilization, Modern Europe, and Historiography. I think Roman Civilization will be a lot of fun, since I've met the professor before, and she herself seems like a lot of fun. So, we'll see. I expect historiography to be a challenge, especially in the writing department, but my writing style is very structured and to-the-point, so it may be just the ticket. Modern Europe... not sure what to expect. Well, actually, I am. Enlightenment-blah-modernism-blah-Western-civilization-is-evil-blahblahblah. I hope to be pleasantly surprised. Please? Latin III will be taught by a different professor than my previous two Latin courses, which surprises me. I'm sure it'll be fine, just different. Lastly, there's Film Photography, which is more or less an indulgence on my part. But it'll be good for my technique and it should be fun. Also, I'll continue to take voice lessons. All told, this adds up to a glorious 18 hour courseload. Wish me luck.

"All I ask, the heaven above, and the road below me."


  1. That sounds like an awesome mix! I can't wait for college...

  2. Mine is all a mix. American History 1865-Present, Greek III, Statistics 2, and then a Science or Latin II.
