Thursday, May 21, 2009

The government is my friend

This is really sort of silly. So, to begin with, everyone is caught up in this notion that the internet is now where everything is happening. Putting things on the internet is the only way to everyone's attention, especially if you're talking about young people. The internet is where everyone gets their news, information, ideas, etc. Well, that's the premise, anyways. Political campaigns have recognized the usefulness of the internet as a more or less free source of advertising, and the most recent Presidential campaign saw the use of YouTube as a campaigning tool come into play. So, the United States government has seen fit to create a YouTube account. Look at this, it's crazy: USGovernment. They've got the EPA, FEMA, the White House, State Department, Social Security Administration, FBI, NASA, USDA... pretty much all manner of governmental alphabet soup organizations. Kind of silly if you ask me. YouTube will probably be on the out sometime in the next five years or so, and it will all be for naught.

Needless to say, I sent the U.S. Government a friend request.

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