Thursday, January 3, 2008

I thought technology was supposed to make life easier.

Well, I am considering revamping my organisation system for the coming year. Up until this point, I have used(very inconsistently, mind you) a Tungsten E2 Palm handheld for planning and organising purposes. 

I recently tried to resume use of this device for the coming semester, only to find that using it with my MacBook is somewhat of a hassle. The Mac version of the Palm desktop software is not to my liking. The design is rather inefficient and not as good as the Windows version, in my opinion. It still contains the same functions, but the design is different. When organising things, ease of use is very important. So, I have decided to go analogue. I'm just going to use a small planner notebook to take care of my organising. I haven't got all that much to organise, so it shouldn't be a huge deal. Also, since we are starting a new year, this is the perfect time to start such a system. I may still use my Palm for certain things, such as storing phone numbers and the like, but now that I have a laptop, its usefulness has somewhat diminished. Also, there is a certain appeal to good old-fashioned pen and paper. Between my laptop and the notebook, I should be able to keep all of my scholastic ducks in an oh-so-scholarly row.

Much to my chagrin, there's been a mishap with my registration for next semester. I subsequently lost my spot in the trigonometry class I wanted, so I had to register for the course at a different time and at a different campus. This is quite the annoyance for me, as it will make my Tuesday and Thursday mornings slightly inconvenient. But, this is certainly not the last time something like this will happen, so it's not a big deal. I'm just glad I'll still be able to get that trigonometry course out of the way.  

I was reading through the December archives of Dr. George Grant's blog and found a post that I thought was worth a look. Then again, I think that anything discussing the workings of the Christian worldview is worth a look. Link: The Terms of the Debate.

Interesting note:  I seem to have a slight habit of posting very near, if not on the hour of 12:15. Take a look at the timestamp on my last post.  Weird...

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